I've finished the last 2 parts of the tutorial: credits screen and packaging.

All in all I don't like how the Chapter 3 has turned out. My initial idea has been to discuss typical problems arising in game programming on real-life examples. However, most of the code in Chapter 3 has become too specific for this Arkanoid and hardly can be transferred to any other project. Besides, technical details of the specific implementation obscure the general ideas. I think, instead of describing a step by step code evolution, a better approach would be to restructure the Chapter 3 into a series of loosely related articles grouped by a common subject. For example, a group on visual effects with articles on postprocessing, particle effects, etc. Basically, topics currently placed in appendicies should become the main material for this chapter.
This will require a lot of work that I currently don't want to deal with. Instead I would like to concentrate on making a small but well-polished, publishable quality, game. As one of the first steps, this will require to find an artist and a sound designer.
Regarding the tutorial, the plan is following:
1) Update the Chapters 1 and 2.
2) Find a native speaker to get help with the text proofreading.
3) Restructure the Chapter 3 into a series of "additional topics".